
The centre of expertise and IT services for public water operators in Wallonia.

Public entities in the water sector (producers, distributors and bodies tasked with wastewater treatment) are joining forces and taking steps to deal with the challenges of the future: digitalising the water sector.


Digit'eaux Une personne consulte une tablette Une personne qui se sert de l'eau potable

IT services intended for public bodies in the water sector

The main mission is to pool their strengths in order to provide IT services for Walloon public bodies in the anthropic water cycle.


Who are we?


Une personne qui se sert de l'eau potable
Une personne consulte une tablette

Nous recrutons !

An SAP application administrator

But we are also looking for other profiles, including a head of IT development and an SAP CRM IS-U and telephony expert.

Apply for a position at Digit'Eaux